September 20, 2017

Low Quality Product with Good Looking

Low Quality Product with Interesting Appearance

Nowadays a lot of low quality products with cheap price but attractive appearance. Products like these are sold in many markets, can be in Supermarket or in stores that sell this kind products. Examples of products with low quality but attractive appearance is water tap, door handle, household appliance, spare part and so on.

Well the equipment usually looks attractive but the quality is low. In order to look attractive usually the surface of the metal is coated with nickel or Chrome Coating. To make cheaper kitchen appliances they use chrome plated or Coating plate, usually if not covered with chrome they coated with nickel, so it looks shiny and very interesting.

Amazingly this chrome layer can produce a variety of interesting colors try to be seen here:

Black Chrome Plating
Bright Chrome Plating
Gold Chrome Plating


September 15, 2017

Indonesian Car

Car Sell In Indonesia

Mostly car in Indonesia are made by Japan. Indonesian prefer to use Japan car because of cheap and commonly fuel efficient. From many car that look on the road is made by Japan like Toyota, Suzuki, Honda, Mazda, Mitsubishi and many other Japan trade mark. From these trade mark, Toyota trade mark is in the first place prefer as private car and the second place is placed by Suzuki car that often use as street car with the most efficient fuel.

Honda Civic 2017

Honda CRV 2017

Toyota Altis 2017

Suzuki Swift 2017

After the tsunami disaster on Japan, all of this car have difficulties on provide their spare parts, especially engine components that still import from Japan.

Toyota car that available in Indonesia like; Toyota Matrix, Toyota Prius, Toyota Avanza, Toyota Corola, Toyota Camry, Toyota Kijang and many other Toyota cars. While Suzuki cars in Indonesia currently people most prefer use of Suzuki APV, Suzuki Vitara, Suzuki Cary, Suzuki Swift and many other suzuki cars. For Mitsubishi car in Indonesia mostly prefer for use for freight cars.


September 14, 2017

Windows Version

Windows software always change every periods, and sometime we need to install it because so many different with the existing one. Windows have several times change their version. The history of this software may too long to write here. From the beginning windows software may start from window 95, then change to windows 97, and there are a new version again. windows 98 with many controversial in user because this is still new and too close to earlier version, windows 97. Every time we update to new version there is a fee must be paid. So the income of Windows company always increase every years if their customer also increase.

After those period windows periodically change their version and can update automatically using internet, windows 2000. Then merge with new model windows XP, with 2003 version, and the new one is windows 2007. Windows always completed with several application like Outlook Email, power point, office, etc. Uhhh.... we follow it but, tired to learn of new version. So for us that as the victim because dependent to them always expense money every year for this software. What do you think of this....


Import File to Outlook

There are several types of file can be imported to Outlook Email;
On the File menu, click Import and Export.

Do one of the following:
· Import an Internet e-mail client's account name and server settings
· To import from Microsoft Outlook Express or Eudora:
· Click Import Internet Mail Account Settings, and then click Next.
· Click the e-mail client to import, and then click Next.
· Follow the remaining instructions in the Import and Export Wizard.

For read more detail please click on the title of this article, to see more about Windows version.


Formating Hard Disc


The NTFS file system provides the following features:
Security at the file and folder level This allows you to control access down to the file level.
Disk compression This allows you to compress folders, subfolders, and files to increase the amount of file storage, but will slow access to the files.
Disk quotas This allows you to limit the amount of disk space used by each user.
File encryption Folders, subfolders, and files can be encrypted and decrypted automatically by the operating system.

Active Directory This allows domain-based security. (While Active Directory is technically not a feature of NTFS, it is important to note here that you have to be using NTFS to use Active Directory on the files and folders).More detail about Formating Hard Disc

Recall Message

You can recall your message when you use Microsoft outlook to cancel your sent email using recall message, but this feature requires you to be using a Microsoft Exchange Server e-mail account. If you use pop mail this feature will not work

You can recall or replace a message only if its recipient is logged on and using Microsoft Outlook and has not read the message or moved it from their Inbox.

More detail Recall or replace a message on Ms Outlook Email


How to Cancel Email

To reply to a newsgroup message

1. In the message list, click the message you want to reply to.
2. To reply to the author of the message by e-mail, click Reply on the toolbar.
3. To reply to the whole newsgroup, click Reply Group on the toolbar.
4. Type your message, and then click Send.
You can cancel email sent using Outlook Express by the below method:
The detail method see on Cancel Email and Reduce Email Size

September 13, 2017

Managing Email

Managing Email messages with rules, change rule and apply rule to download email. When you have large volumes of incoming e-mail, Outlook Express can help you process it more efficiently. You can use rules in Outlook Express to automatically sort incoming messages into different folders, highlight certain messages in color, automatically reply to or forward certain messages, and do much more. The following topics provide more information:

More detail of this article please click on the title. How to organizing outlook email.

Email Etiquete

  1. Think twice about: Thinking twice if will send to All.
  2. Solid and Brief.
    Every person who accept will be able to print in just one page.
  3. Check the mistake.
    Needn't wasting time play around with checking by spelling, punctuation and grammar, but clear mistake check. Use the spell checker if any.
  4. Write The Consignor Name. No one will remember this email address like Warrier@Aol.Com. It is better if writing down name by the end of paragraph. To facilitate to make the signature of email so that will automatically figured in email underside
    The standard is:
    Greeting / yours faithfully,
    Name / Full Name
    E-Mail Address
  5. If replay the email, complete with email content received, completed with your comment. (Use the command REPLY which usually automatically will figure in.
  6. Fill the Subject correctly. Here also suitable to fill with “Urgent” if the message is Urgent
  7. Use the word To or Dear Sirs, This important for multiply email address which you to represent the address with
  8. Good Attachments, limit maximum attachment of about 100 kb if possible. Or make link with the file if there is at everyone folder.
  9. Use * instead of italics. Example: I estimate have meeting on * Monday*. This will be better to emphasis sign compared to block letters.
  10. Don’t use block all letters. Seen to be like screaming
  11. Good example: Don’t Push the red button. IT MIGHT EXPLODE

Organizing Outlook Email

When you send email for many people sometimes makes me confused or make wrong name if you don't organized first your email. To anticipate this condition you can create many Groups of Email Address on your contact persons data. First you must insert all your contact or create new contact on your Outlook.

For more detail click on the title on the top of this article. Untuk baca yang bahasa Indonesia tentang Belajar MS Access


September 10, 2017

How Many Article Will Get Index

After you write of many article on your blog, don't forget that you must check the availabel of your article on google. How to check your article you can use Google browser to check the availibility on Google and by check on Yahoo to check the availability on Yahoo server.

Write like this for example site: The result of this search like on this link: Article Bimbel Online

Not all article will be indexed by Google machine, because of many reasons. To understand this rule you must see of every server term and condition and server policy. Each server like Google, Yahoo and MSN/live have different conditions.

September 8, 2017

Chicken Story

This chicken story is happen in England that they can change their gender. The changes not because of science experiment but this can happen naturally. This chicken is belong to couple Jim and Jeanette Howard from Huntington, England.

The chicken change their gender gradually, they become pacing in the yard and crowed like a stud. A weeks later, the male characters begin to grow, like wattle on the chin, cockscombs on his head, and dark brown fur typical stud.

This happen then published and get explanation from Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences University of Florida in 2000 stated. Changes in sex can happened but until now have not found the change from male to female.

The changes from female to male on chicken not going smoothly, because some sex organ can grow normally. So they are not become a male 100% because can't make the egg fertile.