Email Etiquete
- Think twice about: Thinking twice if will send to All.
- Solid and Brief.
Every person who accept will be able to print in just one page.
- Check the mistake.
Needn't wasting time play around with checking by spelling, punctuation and grammar, but clear mistake check. Use the spell checker if any.
- Write The Consignor Name. No one will remember this email address like Warrier@Aol.Com. It is better if writing down name by the end of paragraph. To facilitate to make the signature of email so that will automatically figured in email underside
The standard is:
Greeting / yours faithfully,
Name / Full Name
E-Mail Address
- If replay the email, complete with email content received, completed with your comment. (Use the command REPLY which usually automatically will figure in.
- Fill the Subject correctly. Here also suitable to fill with “Urgent” if the message is Urgent
- Use the word To or Dear Sirs, This important for multiply email address which you to represent the address with
- Good Attachments, limit maximum attachment of about 100 kb if possible. Or make link with the file if there is at everyone folder.
- Use * instead of italics. Example: I estimate have meeting on * Monday*. This will be better to emphasis sign compared to block letters.
- Don’t use block all letters. Seen to be like screaming
- Good example: Don’t Push the red button. IT MIGHT EXPLODE
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